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What do small birds do in a storm?


    A blue, white and black bird perches on a tree with snowy coming down horizontally.
    Perching birds, like this Blue Jay, have a particular mechanism of their foot anatomy that causes their toes to carry tight to their perches even in excessive winds. Picture by Gerald Barnett by way of Birdshare.

    Totally different birds use alternative ways to attend out a storm. Birds that usually roost in a cavity—reminiscent of chickadees, small owls, woodpeckers—cover out of their cavity. They might additionally use roost containers. Generally greater than a dozen birds will pile right into a single field to preserve warmth.

    Birds that roost on branches, reminiscent of jays, sparrows, cardinals, crows, and many others, are likely to perch on a thick department very near the trunk on the facet most protected against wind and rain. When these songbirds (additionally known as “perching birds”) are relaxed, their toes grasp mechanically, to allow them to sleep whereas tightly clasping the department.

    Geese, herons, and different birds that sleep on or close to the water have a tendency to search out as sheltered a spot as doable—many swimmers keep out within the open water, and waders have a tendency to assemble close to some particles or vegetation that protects them from not less than a few of the rain and wind.
